Gene information

Human gene name:protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type D
Human gene symbol:PTPRD   (PTPD, HPTP)
External databases:HGNC:9668
search on uniprot
SynGO IDlocation / functionOntology term
2248Cellular Componentintegral component of presynaptic membrane (GO:0099056)
4204Cellular Componentintegral component of presynaptic membrane (GO:0099056)
2648Biological Processmodulation of chemical synaptic transmission (GO:0050804)
1826Biological Processpresynapse assembly (GO:0099054)
1829Biological Processregulation of postsynaptic density assembly (GO:0099151)
2356Biological Processregulation of postsynaptic density assembly (GO:0099151)
2465Biological Processsynapse adhesion between pre- and post-synapse (GO:0099560)
2473Biological Processsynapse adhesion between pre- and post-synapse (GO:0099560)
2478Biological Processsynapse adhesion between pre- and post-synapse (GO:0099560)
4208Biological Processtrans-synaptic signaling (GO:0099537)
1825Biological Processtrans-synaptic signaling by trans-synaptic complex (GO:0099545)