Gene information

Human gene name:vesicle associated membrane protein 2
Human gene symbol:VAMP2   (VAMP-2, SYB2)
External databases:HGNC:12643
search on uniprot
SynGO IDlocation / functionOntology term
290Cellular Componentintegral component of synaptic vesicle membrane (GO:0030285)
4167Cellular Componentintegral component of synaptic vesicle membrane (GO:0030285)
5511Cellular Componentpostsynaptic cytosol (GO:0099524)
4997Cellular Componentpostsynaptic density (GO:0014069)
4862Biological Processexocytic insertion of neurotransmitter receptor to postsynaptic membrane (GO:0098967)
265Biological Processsynaptic vesicle docking (GO:0016081)
291Biological Processsynaptic vesicle exocytosis (GO:0016079)