Gene information

Human gene name:sorting nexin 27
Human gene symbol:SNX27   (MY014, KIAA0488, MGC20471)
External databases:HGNC:20073
search on uniprot
SynGO IDlocation / functionOntology term
4561Cellular Componentpostsynapse (GO:0098794)
4562Cellular Componentpostsynaptic early endosome (GO:0098842)
5193Cellular Componentpostsynaptic recycling endosome (GO:0098837)
4090Biological Processregulation of postsynaptic membrane neurotransmitter receptor levels (GO:0099072)
4114Biological Processregulation of postsynaptic membrane neurotransmitter receptor levels (GO:0099072)
5192Biological Processregulation of synapse maturation (GO:0090128)