An evidence-based, expert-curated resource for synapse function and gene enrichment studies
Query a single gene and view available SynGO annotations
Enter the first letters of a gene symbol, or (part of) a gene name, to see matching SynGO annotated genes. Alternatively, you may copy/paste a human gene ID (ensembl, hgnc, etc.). Examples; DLG4, syntaxin, HGNC:12643, ENSG00000106089.
Explore overrepresented synaptic terms compared to a background set and view available synaptic locations/functions of each gene
Visualization of synaptic function and subcellular location models. Explore these models and find genes associated to each SynGO term. eg; show all annotated postsynaptic density (PSD) genes.
For advanced users we provide tooling to visualize custom scores per gene, or SynGO ontology term, onto our signature SynGO sunburst figures; open color-coding tool
Most use-cases of the SynGO data are available through this website, analyzing your datasets is typically done using online tools provided here. The bulk download ZIP file includes all SynGO ontologies and annotations as both Excel tables and JSON data structures convenient for bioinformatic analysis. The included readme.txt file contains further details.