Annotated protein:Complexin-2 (921-L) (Complexin II) (CPX II) (Synaphin-1). Gene symbol: CPLX2. Taxonomy: Mus musculus (Mouse). Uniprot ID: P84086
antibody wiki:
SynGO gene info:SynGO data @ CPLX2
Ontology domain:Cellular Component
SynGO term:presynapse (GO:0098793)
Synapse type(s):Calyx of Held
Annotated paper:Chang S, et al. "Complexin stabilizes newly primed synaptic vesicles and prevents their premature fusion at the mouse calyx of held synapse" J Neurosci. 2015 May 27;35(21):8272-90 PMID:26019341
Figure(s):Fig. 1C, Fig. 11C
Annotation description:Complexin-2 presynaptic immunoreactivity is observed in the Calyx of Held synapse in the brainstem (Fig 11C).

IHC was performed using an antibody (SySy, rabbit anti-Cplx-1/2) that detects Complexin-1 and -2. Complexin-1 KO mice exhibit a loss of immunoreactivity in the somata of the MNTB principal neurons (Fig 11C) indicating the specificity of the antibody for Complexin-1, however immunoreactivity in the presynaptic terminal persist at P7 indicating the presence of Complexin-2.
Evidence tracking, Biological System:Intact tissue
Evidence tracking, Protein Targeting:Antibody (detection)
Evidence tracking, Experiment Assay:Confocal
Annotator(s):Noa Lipstein (ORCID:0000-0002-0755-5899)
Cordelia Imig (ORCID:0000-0001-7351-8706)
Vincent O'connor (ORCID:0000-0003-3185-5709)
Nils Brose (ORCID:0000-0003-0938-8534)
Lab:Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine, 37075 Göttingen, Germany
SynGO annotation ID:580
Dataset release (version):20231201
View annotation as GO-CAM model:Gene Ontology