Annotated protein:AP-2 complex subunit alpha-1 (100 kDa coated vesicle protein A) (Adaptor protein complex AP-2 subunit alpha-1) (Adaptor-related protein complex 2 subunit alpha-1) (Alpha-adaptin A) (Alpha1-adaptin) (Clathrin assembly protein complex 2 alpha-A large chain) (Plasma membrane adaptor HA2/AP2 adaptin alpha A subunit). Gene symbol: AP2A1. Taxonomy: Mus musculus (Mouse). Uniprot ID: P17426
antibody wiki:
SynGO gene info:SynGO data @ AP2A1
Ontology domain:Cellular Component
SynGO term:postsynaptic endocytic zone (GO:0098843)
Synapse type(s):hippocampus, glutamatergic
Annotated paper:Fukaya M, et al. "BRAG2a Mediates mGluR-Dependent AMPA Receptor Internalization at Excitatory Postsynapses through the Interaction with PSD-95 and Endophilin 3" J Neurosci. 2020 May 27;40(22):4277-4296 PMID:32341099
Figure(s):Figure 11
Annotation description:Figure 11 (P,Q) shows α-adaptin localization at the postsynaptic membrane, to the side of the spine and near the PSD, using immunogold labeling in excitatory asymmetric synapses of the mouse hippocampal CA1 region.

The α-adaptin antibody is specific to AP2A1
Evidence tracking, Biological System:Intact tissue
Evidence tracking, Protein Targeting:Antibody (detection)
Evidence tracking, Experiment Assay:Electron Microscopy
Annotator(s):Peter McPherson (ORCID:0000-0001-7806-5662)
Lab:Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 2B4, Canada
Additional literature:Table 1 shows antibody "BD Biosciences Cat# 610501, RRID:AB_397867" is reactive to AP2A1L (αAL) and AP2A1S (αAS) but not AP2A2 (αC) @ PMID:34820873
SynGO annotation ID:4607
Dataset release (version):20231201
View annotation as GO-CAM model:Gene Ontology