Annotated protein:Receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 2. Gene symbol: ROR2. Taxonomy: Rattus norvegicus (Rat). Uniprot ID: D3ZNY8
antibody wiki:
SynGO gene info:SynGO data @ ROR2
Ontology domain:Biological Process
SynGO term:regulation of synaptic signaling by nitric oxide (GO:0150045)
Synapse type(s):hippocampus, glutamatergic
Annotated paper:Parodi J, et al. "Wnt5a inhibits K(+) currents in hippocampal synapses through nitric oxide production" Mol Cell Neurosci. 2015 Sep;68:314-22 PMID:26311509
Annotation description:9/4/2018 Pim

[Fig.2: "The Wnt5a-evoked inhibition of K+ currents is mediated by nitric oxide"]

Fig.4: "ROR2 is required for the Wnt5a-dependent inhibition of the voltage-gated potassium current"
Evidence tracking, Biological System:Cultured neurons
Evidence tracking, Protein Targeting:RNAi / shRNA
Evidence tracking, Experiment Assay:Whole-cell patch clamp
Annotator(s):Rita Reig-Viader (ORCID:0000-0002-6893-6177)
Àlex Bayés (ORCID:0000-0002-5265-6306)
Lab:Molecular Physiology of the Synapse Laboratory, Biomedical Research Institute Sant Pau, 08025 Barcelona, Spain and and Universitat Autnoma de Cerdanyola del Valls, Spain Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra
SynGO annotation ID:3087
Dataset release (version):20231201
View annotation as GO-CAM model:Gene Ontology