Annotated protein:Scribble planar cell polarity protein. Gene symbol: SCRIB. Taxonomy: Rattus norvegicus (Rat). Uniprot ID: D3ZWS0
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SynGO gene info:SynGO data @ SCRIB
Ontology domain:Biological Process
SynGO term:regulation of postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor endocytosis (GO:0099149)
Synapse type(s):hippocampus, glutamatergic
Annotated paper:Piguel NH, et al. "Scribble1/AP2 complex coordinates NMDA receptor endocytic recycling" Cell Rep. 2014 Oct 23;9(2):712-27 PMID:25310985
Figure(s):Fig.3, 4, 6, 7
Annotation description:Fig.1: "Scrib1 Interacts and Colocalizes with GluN2 Subunits"

Fig.3: "Modification of Scrib1 Levels Affects Surface Expression of Endogenous GluN2A and GluN2B-Containing Receptors"
Scrib1 is shown to regulate postsynaptic membrane neurotransmitter receptor levels.

Fig.4: "The Loss of Scrib1 Stabilizes GluN2B and Increases GluN2A Internalization"
term: 'regulation of postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor endocytosis (GO:0099149)'
This is strengthened in Fig.6 that shows interaction of Scrib1 wih the AP2 complex involved in clathin mediated endocytosis.

Fig.6: "The Direct Interaction between Scrib1 and AP2 Is Necessary for Internalization of the Scribl1/GluN2 Complex"
AP2 complex is involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis.

Fig.7: "Scrib1 Regulates the Level of Synaptic NMDARs at Schaffer Collaterals CA1 Pyramidal Cells Synapse"
Demonstrates in vivo (slice recording) relevance for the in vitro (cell culture) observations.

Overall: Experiments show that Scrib1 regulates the internalization and recycling of GluN2A and Glun2B in a differential manner depending on the activity state of the neuron.
Evidence tracking, Biological System:Intact tissue
Cultured neurons
Non-neuronal tissue
Evidence tracking, Protein Targeting:RNAi / shRNA
Evidence tracking, Experiment Assay:Wide-field fluorescence
Whole-cell patch clamp
Annotator(s):Tony Cijsouw (ORCID:0000-0003-0912-1514)
Thomas Biederer (ORCID:0000-0002-3670-7863)
Lab:Department of Neuroscience, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 02111, USA
SynGO annotation ID:2093
Dataset release (version):20231201
View annotation as GO-CAM model:Gene Ontology