Annotated protein:Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 2 (Atrophin-1-interacting protein 1) (AIP-1) (Membrane-associated guanylate kinase inverted 2) (MAGI-2) (Synaptic-scaffolding molecule) (S-SCAM). Gene symbol: MAGI2. Taxonomy: Rattus norvegicus (Rat). Uniprot ID: O88382
antibody wiki:
SynGO gene info:SynGO data @ MAGI2
Ontology domain:Biological Process
SynGO term:regulation of synaptic membrane adhesion (GO:0099179)
Synapse type(s):hippocampus, GABAergic
Annotated paper:Woo J, et al. "The adhesion protein IgSF9b is coupled to neuroligin 2 via S-SCAM to promote inhibitory synapse development" J Cell Biol. 2013 Jun 10;201(6):929-44 PMID:23751499
Figure(s):Fig. 8D-I
Annotation description:Fig. 8D-I, the figure show that S-SCAM is required for the development or maintenance of inhibitory synaptic structures containing gephyrin and VGAT by linking IgSF9b and neuroligin 2 at the inhibitory synapses"

"To see if S-SCAM is critically involved in linking IgSF9b and neuroligin 2 clusters in neurons, we tested whether S-SCAM knockdown decreases the colocalization between IgSF9b and neuroligin 2. We found that S-SCAM knockdown (sh-S-SCAM, DIV 15-20) in cultured interneurons suppressed the colocalization between IgSF9b and neuroligin 2, whereas it had no effect on the number of single IgSF9b or neuroligin 2 clusters (Fig. 8, D-G). A mutant knockdown construct that lacks the knockdown activity (sh-S-SCAM*) had no effect on the colocalization between IgSF9b and neuroligin 2. In addition, S-SCAM knockdown decreased the number of VGAT-positive gephyrin clusters (Fig. 8, H and I). These results suggest that S-SCAM is required for the close association between IgSF9b- and neuroligin 2-containing
subsynaptic domains in interneurons, and that S-SCAM is required for the development or maintenance of inhibitory synaptic structures containing gephyrin and VGAT."
Evidence tracking, Biological System:Cultured neurons
Evidence tracking, Protein Targeting:RNAi / shRNA
Antibody (detection)
Evidence tracking, Experiment Assay:Confocal
Annotator(s):Chiara Verpelli (ORCID:0000-0003-2949-9725)
Carlo Sala (ORCID:0000-0003-0662-9523)
Lab:CNR Neuroscience Institute Milan and Dept. of Biotechnology and Translational Medicine, University of Milan, 20129 Milan, Italy
SynGO annotation ID:1922
Dataset release (version):20231201
View annotation as GO-CAM model:Gene Ontology